Our company / AERTiCKET Group

Innovative. Creative. 
For over 35 years.

The AERTiCKET Group is one of the biggest full service consolidator and independent business-to-business service provider for flights in the world.

AERTiCKET is a partner of airlines, a service provider for travel agencies, cooperations and web portals, and a developer of innovative booking technologies.

Who is doing what at AERTiCKET?

Our business areas and our board of directors.

Innovative. Creative.

Who belongs to AERTiCKET?

Sustainability is our top priority

Rainer Klee, founder and CEO of the AERTiCKET Group, states clearly: Climate protection secures our future

35 Years AERTiCKET

From Kreuzberg into the wide world: The history of AERTiCKET Group.

AERTiCKET - the movie

What is our company all about? What makes us special?